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Arvigo Therapy


Arvigo Therapy

Arvigo therapy is an ancient Mayan traditional technique that can balance and restore homeostasis and support hemodynamics in the body.

The key points of this work is external abdominal, pelvic and sacral massage, supporting the ligaments of the uterus to rebalance, restoring alignment to this vital organ.

Arvigo therapy can help assist in the healing of many reproductive health issues, Uterine Alignment, Period Pain, Irregular cycles, Fibroids, Endometriosis, PCOS, Scar Tissue, Fertility, IVF, Bladder infections, Constipation, many Digestive Issues, Prolapse Uterus, Back Pain specific to sacrum and coccyx

The first session including consultation is 2 hours Thereafter 60 or 90-minute sessions depending on your requirements. To learn more about Arvigo visit arvigotherapy.com

Initial appointment 2 hours $250

Follow up 1.5 Hour $189

Follow up 1 Hour $149